Lab Members

Dr. Thanasis Samaras



Post-doc Fellow     

Molecular and endocrine regulation of the stress response in reared Mediterranean marine fish species. Development of operational welfare indicators.    

Contact: a.samaras[at]uoc[dot]gr

Dr. Antonia Theodoridi



Post-doc Fellow

Characterisation of coping styles in zebrafish, Danio rerio and the role of corticosteroids.
Contact: tonia.theod[at]gmail[dot]com

Joey Arboleda



PhD student

Assessment of stress at harvest and development of humane slaughter methods for reared Mediterranean marine fish species.

Contact: biop1035[at]edu.biology.uoc[dot]gr

Patricia Pereira



PhD student

Linking coping styles, stress response and metabolism in zebrafish, Danio rerio.

Contact: pkapereira[at]gmail[dot]com

Konstantina Evangelia Gleni




PhD student

Novel approaches to evaluate stress and welfare of intensively reared Mediterranean marine species.

Contact: biop1103[at]edu.biology.uoc[dot]gr

Dr. Elefteria Fanouraki



Laboratory Teaching Staff (EDIP)

Contact: e.fanouraki[at]uo[dot]gr

Nikos Mitrizakis



Fish Husbandry Manager

Contact: mitrizakisnikos[at]uoc[dot]gr


​Sofia Kyriakidi



Administrative and Financial Manager

Contact: kyriakidi[at]uoc[dot]gr

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