Fish Physiology Lab
Biology Department
University of Crete

Research Interests

Stress Physiology - Endocrinology
Fish reared under intensive culture conditions are subjected to several environmental, social, and husbandry related stimuli that may have potentially noxious or stressful effects.

Pigmentation Physiology
Fishes display a variety of skin coloration patterns which are of great ecological, physiological and behavioural importance.

Fish Welfare
Fish reared under intensive culture conditions are subjected to several environmental, social, and husbandry related stimuli that may cause chronic stress and impair their welfare status.
European Union Reference Centre for the Welfare of Aquatic Animals
The newly launched Centre will be based at the University of Crete. It will work jointly with the Biology Centre CAS of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the University of Barcelona. The Center will focus on the enforcement of EU rules by developing and disseminating knowledge and tools to assist the competent authorities in performing better official controls. It will provide scientific and technical expertise to relevant national scientific support networks or bodies through training courses for staff and disseminating research findings and technical innovations. It will help stakeholders understand the rules, how to comply with these rules, as well as the possible control methods to be used by national authorities
Fish physiology is a fascinating field of research that provides new insights into genetic - environmental interactions, allostatic mechanisms and individual fitness, of one of the most diverse and numerous vertebrates on Earth. Ichthys deserve our interest and utmost respect
Fish Welfare Publications
Animal welfare is a complex and multi-faceted subject with scientific, ethical, economic, cultural, social, religious and political dimensions (World Organisation for Animal Health)
Οδηγός Ευζωίας Μεσογειακών Ιχθύων. Ο πρώτος ολοκληρωμένος οδηγός για την ευζωία του λαβρακιού και της τσιπούρας αποτελεί έργο το οποίο υλοποιήθηκε από το Εργαστήριο Φυσιολογίας Ιχθύων του Τμήματος Βιολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης, σε συνεργασία με την Τεχνική Επιτροπή της ΕΛΟΠΥ.
Ο οδηγός εγκρίθηκε και επικυρώθηκε από τη Διεύθυνση Προστασίας των Ζώων, της Γενικής Διεύθυνσης Κτηνιατρικής του Υπουργείου Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και Τροφίμων (ΥΠΑΑΤ), αποτελώντας πλέον Εθνικό Οδηγό όσον αφορά στον κλάδο της Ιχθυοκαλλιέργειας.
Prof. Michalis A. Pavlidis
Biology – Physiology of Marine Organisms
+30 2810-394084 (Office)
+30 2810-394089 (Lab)